What is an Investigation?Test investigation description
Describet here is the ivnestigation
Submitter: Guest
Studies: This is the study of the investigation of today
Assays: This is the first assay of the study of the investigation of today
The project aimed to build a virtual tomato fruit that enables the prediction of metabolite levels given genetic and environmental inputs, by an iterative process between laboratories which combine expertise in fruit biology, ecophysiology, theoretical and experimental biochemistry, and biotechnology.
Investigating moths
An investigation in the CCM of S. solfataricus with a focus on the unique temperature adaptations and regulation; using a combined modelling and experimental approach.
Submitter: Jacky Snoep
Studies: Carbon loss at high T, Model gluconeogenesis, Pathway optimisation
Assays: Experimental assays of the temperature dependent degradation of GAP and ..., FBPA/ase, FBPAase model, GAPDH, GAPDH modeling, Gluconeogenic model, Model reconstituted system, Modelling pathway optimisation, Modelling temperature dependent degradation of GAP and DHAP, PGK, PGK and FBPAase titrations, PGK modeling, Reconstituted system reference state, TPI, TPI modeling
Cell growth underlies many key cellular and developmental processes, yet a limited number of studies have been carried out on cell-growth regulation. Comprehensive studies at the transcriptional, proteomic and metabolic levels under defined controlled conditions are currently lacking.
This investigation shows public data taken from the BioInvestigation Index. ( Organism: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Studies: A time course analysis of transcription response in yeast treated with ..., Can yeast glycolysis be understood in terms of in vitro kinetics of the ...
Assays: Changes in flux on the metabolome, Changes in flux on the proteome, Changes in flux on the transcriptome, Glycolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Time course analysis of transcription