Longitudinal anthropometry of children and adolescents using 3D-body scanning.


3D-body scanning anthropometry is a suitable method for characterization of physiological development of children and adolescents, and for understanding onset and progression of disorders like overweight and obesity. Here we present a novel body typing approach to describe and to interpret longitudinal 3D-body scanning data of more than 800 children and adolescents measured in up to four follow-ups in intervals of 1 year, referring to an age range between 6 and 18 years. We analyzed transitions between body types assigned to lower-, normal- and overweight participants upon development of children and adolescents. We found a virtually parallel development of the body types with only a few transitions between them. Body types of children and adolescents tend to conserve their weight category. 3D body scanning anthropometry in combination with body typing constitutes a novel option to investigate onset and progression of obesity in children.

SEEK ID: https://demo.fairdomhub.org/publications/26

PubMed ID: 30212520

Projects: SysMO DB

Publication type: Not specified

Journal: PLoS One

Citation: PLoS One. 2018 Sep 13;13(9):e0203628. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203628. eCollection 2018.

Date Published: 14th Sep 2018

Registered Mode: Not specified

Authors: H. Loeffler-Wirth, M. Vogel, T. Kirsten, F. Glock, T. Poulain, A. Korner, M. Loeffler, W. Kiess, H. Binder

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Created: 27th Mar 2019 at 10:27

Last updated: 6th Dec 2022 at 11:21

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